Tonight we were on our way home from YiLi's ophthalmologist appointment (an hour trip) and all the sudden . . . from the back seat came . . . not the sound of a sleeping child . . . but . . .
I just want to know . . .What is the sun made of?
If the sun is a star, how come it looks round?
How come the moon is sometimes round and sometimes part of it is missing?
How do "they" make stop signs?
How do they make cars?
I think I know what communion is . . . (she goes on to explain).
Well, I just want to know how does the water stay up in the clouds?
How come dandelions come up every summer without anyone planting them? (God put the seeds there.) Oh, OK! (She so easily believes about God and Who He Is.)
How come it is colder way up in the sky and we can't feel it down here?
How far up does the sky go?
How come when you jump you come back down? Why can't we fly?
So God is really really big?
Where do the lights come from in a car? In a house?
Is it the same as the lines that go this way and that way in the sky?
You mean there are nine earths?
Is there really a robot planet?
Where is heaven?
Are there more people?
What is inside the Great Wall of China? Are there people inside?
What do we do with all the garbage?
How do we recycle bottles and cans? How exactly do we do this?
How come there are some, what do you call them, really big countries like China, and some really small ones?
How does a country get started?
How long does it take to cross the ocean? How big is the biggest ocean?
How long would it take to drive across the ocean in a car?
Honestly, Daddy and I were doing our very best to answer these, plus using the opportunity to tell YiLi that as she gets to read better she can find these answers for herself, which is one reason why reading is so COOL!
As we arrived home and she got right into her jammies and got ready for bed, she said . . .
"Well, tomorrow I just want to know everything about the human body - I want to know everything about everything!"
Her language alone astonishes me. Folks, the point of this is not about bragging but just marveling how much can happen in a short nine months in the mind and soul of a child, and how marvelous to watch a child's mind and heart open like a flower blooming, filled with curiosity and yet so easily and fully believing and absorbing truths about God and the world.
We feel an awesome responsibility and we know we are so very blessed. Honestly, all this in the space of one single hour!
Traci you have an amazing daughter. It is wonderful she is so filled with curiosity about the world around her.