Safe In The Arms of the Shepherd

Safe In The Arms of the Shepherd
This is Who we want our children to know!

Saturday, April 21, 2012

"I can't believe I did it! I made a tree . . ."

It's been a while since I've posted! YiLi has really progressed in her talking - let's just say she talks a lot! I know some have mentioned that it's hard for their children to develop their imagination - but I think being an only child in a foster home that cherished her helped out a lot!

For a while we played together - then I slipped over to the piano to play. After a bit Yili exclaimed, over and over . . ."I can't believe I did it, I just can't believe I did it!" I went running over and she showed me that she had made (to the left of her castle) , wait for it . . . A TREE! So here it is:

She was so proud!!!

YiLi has started her voice lessons, and her first recital will be near the end of May. She will sing "Shall We Gather By the River" with the following words:

Shall we gather at the river
where bright angel feet have trod?
With its crstal tide foreever
Flowing by the throne of God . . .

Yes! We'll gather at the river,
the beautiful, the beautiful river!
Gather with the saints at the river,
that flows by the throne of God.

Some day we will gather at the river! We'll see all our loved ones who have gone before us, and most of all Jesus face to face! I thought it was rather an odd first song for her teacher to choose, but I can see now how her grandmothers and many others will appreciate the meaning of the song, and will be so proud of her being able to say and sing all those words!

Here's a cute little story: Last weekend YiLi and I drove up to Edinboro to see Brittany at college. We went out to dinner with Brittany and her boyfriend Dominic, and when we came out, right outside was French Creek, flowing pretty briskly. We walked right down to the edge and I asked YiLi if she would sing her song for Britt and Dom, and she did! It was just a little moment!

I'll close with some pics:

Sisters being goofy!


  1. LOVE IT AND HER!!! Love the sister pics, the TREE :-) the song and everything!!! Thanks for posting! I adore the YiLi updates!!! Somehow in the whole thing I had missed the fact that she was in a foster family in China.
    So happy for you that all is SO well. How are other things???

  2. YiLi seems like such a happy child! You will have to post a video clip of her recital!

  3. Oh Traci!!!! I so love seeing the new pic of YiLi!!!!! WOW, she is just so cute!!! I am thrilled that you all are home and doing so well!!! God bless dear Traci!
