"I am the good Shepherd; I know my sheep and my sheep know Me - and I lay down my life for the sheep." John 10:14,15b
Safe In The Arms of the Shepherd

This is Who we want our children to know!
Wednesday, July 24, 2013
Not just an ordinary old truck . . .
Don't you love it when God uses ordinary things in our world to demonstrate His love for us? It's just an old truck . . . for a few days last week we thought it had a blown head gasket, and that it might have been cheaper to replace the whole engine than get to the problem.
There were stages in our reactions. Although we knew God was in charge, we had been asking for confirmation of something big in our lives, and we started out by asking ourselves if this was God saying "no". Okay, I'll admit it. We doubted! We knew that the fear and confusion we were tempted to feel did not come from God. So we just waited. While we waited, we learned a new appreciation for our truck as the children and I walked to the places we needed to get to.
We thought the truck was "dead" After an entire work week, when I got home on Friday at 5:15 pm, there was a phone message from Sheri at our mechanic's garage that we could come and pick the truck up. Our agreement had been that they would fix the radiator, and by taking it out, Mark would then be able to see if the head gasket was cracked or blown. Then they would call us to decide the next tactic. But this message addressed none of that - just said "Come and get your truck . . ."
We were going to a picnic up in Pleasantville at our friend's house on Saturday. So we waited until then to pick up the truck so that we didn't waste a trip. Oh, the anticipation! It sounded like the truck was totally fixed, but was there a message on the seat?
What would have been previously upsetting (a bill for $600.00) had become a true joy, when we discovered that the gasket was not blown and the truck was good to go.
Here's my spiritual application and why I am blogging again after so long . . . if we were that GLAD that an old truck we had was thought to be "dead" and was now "alive", how much more glad should we be that Jesus died and is now alive?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! How overjoyed should we be that we were once dead and are now alive in Jesus!!!!!
Often times, we get so bogged down in life's cares that we forget the truth that really matters!! I hope this encourages you in your day to day walk! Look around and see past the cares to some of our hidden blessings on this earth, as well as our promised future with the One who gave His life so that we could also live!
We appreciate our truck so much now! I call her our "pretty, pretty". It's amazing how God can use something "bad" to correct our attitudes and remind us that everything we have is a blessing from Him!
"He is not here, He has risen, just as He said!" Matthew 28:6
"We were therefore buried with Him through baptism into death in order that, just as Christ was raised from the dead through the glory of the Father, we too may live a new life!" Romans 6: 4
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