This is Mrs. Preston, YiLi's second grade teacher. Last year she had Mrs. Funk for the second half of first grade. She adored her and still sees her every day. But this year, she also likes Mrs. Preston. For the past two days, Mrs. Preston has been home very sick with a cold that took her voice away. Today is Saturday, and YiLi said this afternoon that she really really misses Mrs. Preston. I commented that it was Saturday and she wouldn't normally be seeing her on the weekend anyway, but YiLi said" Yes, but I already haven't seen her for two whole days and now this is three days!" I suggested that when Mrs. Preston comes back to the classroom that YiLi makes sure to tell her that she missed her. I told YiLi that this makes a teacher feel very very good!
But that's not the focus of the blog.
We were talking, YiLi and Daddy and I, about how a lot of people in China don't like people who have something not perfect about their bodies. All of a sudden, YiLi said," I think I know why people in China don't like people who have something wrong with them. They don't know Jesus." At this point Daddy and I have tears welling up in our eyes. We feel proud of YiLi for her understanding and her faith. We feel sad when we think about all those children and children turned adults who have no one to care for them in China, who have never even heard the name of Jesus Then we talked about how people can be very very good even if they don't know Jesus, and they can do good things (thinking in particular about YiLi's foster family), but that their hearts aren't made new and changed. YiLi simply said, again about her Chinee mama and baba not knowing Jesus - "They will." Oh for the faith of a child!
Please keep this matter in your prayers. We will most likely be with YiLi's foster parents in China in 3-4 weeks. I am praying for God to protect us and to open hearts and to do a mighty work through YiLi, that all of us would be faithful servants of a God who wants not one person to perish, and for the country of China to know the love of Christ who gave Himself for them and for us.
This is huge in YiLi's life. I can almost see the wheels of her mind turn as she thinks about the country of China.
Her daddy told her that people who have their hearts changed by Jesus are never the same again. They see other people like Jesus sees them. May it be true of us, and may we be clay in the Potter's hands while we are there.